Improvement Suggestions

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Recipe variant change dropdown instead of "Advanced Crafting" dialog with "Craft" button
For recipes with multiple variants like lumber, I think it would be better to have a dropdown to choose the variant instead of a dialog where you craft the variants. Problems with the current design: There is no easy way to know what the "Order" button will craft. So you basically get a random variant. If you want to craft a specific variant all the time (e.g. the generic lumber), you always need to use the Advanced Crafting dialog, which is one click more. The game does not remember you last decision The "x/y" information will show you the amount in storage for any variant, not of the variant you want. In the dialog. this information is no longer available. Once the dialog is open, you no longer see the amount it will craft (the dialog behind resets, and even if it didn't, it might be behind the Advanced Crafting dialog) I imagine an alternative design as follows: By default, recipes will use the generic variants You can change this variant with a dropdown in the recipe list. The game will remember the last variant you selected for all crafting tables The "x/y" information will reflect the selected recipe, i.e. it will only consider hardwood when you want to craft hardwood boards There is no more Advanced Crafting button Follow-up suggestion that builds on top (has been requested a few times in the last days in Discord): For ingredients that are a tag, there could be a dropdown menu to choose one mor more specific items. This should also be remembered. In a world where one of the variants is more plenty than others, you could make sure that one is used for recipes where the variant does not matter.


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