Shop Default Price To "Coming Soon"
Nolan Rosen
Imagine opening a shop, posting some items to sell and buy, but something distracted you... you come back and finish up. Next time you log in you realize you forgot to set one of the item's price! By default you've paid $1 for each item and in a lot of cases that's bad for you (at least on server I play on).
I'm suggesting that the shops default to a null-ish price that disables trading till the shop owner(s) set it. Maybe that item can be set to "Coming soon" in red text like it is when it's sold out.
Dennis Scholz
In Hotfix 11.1.1 the default price for listing will be "0" for buying and "999 999" for selling.
Dennis Scholz in server witch many currencies, it total broke Exchanges rate and start currencis war - is posible any change of this?
Dennis Scholz
Khary Not sure how that is related?
Dennis Scholz when someone put new stuff in shop, and forgot change price or just put items to shop and ¨preparing¨ new profesions it show price 999 999 but in currenci tab it looks like currenci (X) is wort 8755787 of different currenci (Y) so set exchange rate is difficult
Knotty Wood
Theres a switch in the upper left that you can turn off until youre ready to open it.