Easy Pre-built Federation Settlement
Scott Cameron
We like starting with some basic laws and a common currency - setting the rules for playing on our custom server.
Right now, the alternative to the settlement system is broken. Give us an option to use the settlement system but with a starting federation and laws, into which we can add towns and countries, instead of starting from scratch and making players do all the hard work.
Dennis Scholz
The "settlements off" feature is working correctly again in upcoming Update 10.0.5 and it is already possible to set up a starting, global federation. It is only necessary to increase the federation influence to cover the whole world in Settlements.eco (which depends on your world size), enable the advanced admin ui in Civics.eco and untick the setting "Requires sub-settlements" in the foundation of the federation once placed and you have a global federation. You can also use /fe while looking at it to enable it without requiring any prerequisites to found it.
100% I know we have one Granted the federation banner we get is the main part but no Court for federal laws, no Zoning office to set federal highways, no Mint, no bank, demographics, hell not even a ballot box </3 Instead we get two thrown in foundations we don't even need and like 3 treasury's...
I mean My/our community alone has built i think 3 now as of this next season and we have world edits for all of them.. We could set up a display or someone could even float around some of these other servers and maybe find a better setup than ours.
It honestly doesn't even paste flat when we /settlement spawnsimplesettlements. It tears up everything around it, its kind of huge no walls at all and half of the stuff doesn't even make sense for setting up just a federation, towns and countries are easy why even throw that in. <3
I mean this in the nicest way Possible but as someone that has tried help mod and add options for this game the last few years its all just a little frustrating
Maybe lay it out so everything can come in a predefined 10x10 12x12 14x14 what ever it takes so then we know exactly where everything will dump even without walls so we can just move it into a building.. Honestly just trying to help with a suggestion but sure ill end up muted here too LMFAO